Focal dataApps

A survey and data management platform to understand public opinion.

The aim of the platform was to be a comprehensive survey creation and management tool, with complex analytical feedback and results.

Research & discovery

Understanding users and thier journeys

We identified key user personas, each with different tasks and capabilities. Some users are restricted to just viewing content, some could edit and manage their own accounts, as well as the accounts of their organisation.

We created user flows for each persona, capturing how their different capabilities manifested in their journey. We mapped how each screen, notification or email might be different or required, which all depended on the users account rights and flow through.


Nailing the stucture and language

The journeys were transformed into wireframes, focusing on the placement of elements and communication. We constantly questioned ourselves such as, do they know what screen they’re on and what to do next? What if errors are made and how they’re communicated?

We discovered the best language to use. For example, Login, Log in or Sign in? A challenge was to seamlessly communicate Focaldata approved accounts. Whilst waiting for approval, we introduced an onboarding step, keeping the journey flowing and minimising frustration.

UI design

The visual design framework

Following usability testing iterations of the wireframes, we added the visual layer. Focaldata used the Material UI framework, so our designs needed to correlate. The framework’s is built up of colours, type scales, interactions, errors, buttons and components. Our design speed drastically improved, allowing more focus on UX.

Always improving

Iterating design sprints

After the initial launch, we’ve worked closely with Focaldata, iterating through several design sprints with specific aims. Overall, the core aims are improving usability, streamlining user journeys and adding new features. Notably, the design has become simpler and cleaner to improve usability, organisation and content digestion.